Friday, December 21, 2012

Social Security Ideas for Married Couples

The decision regarding what age to begin receiving Social Security benefits can be complicated. The decision is further complicated if you are married, because spouses’ ages, estimated benefit entitlements, and life expectancies should factor into the decision. As each individual approaches retirement age, they as a couple have a unique set of fiscal needs and goals. There are several different scenarios that should be considered before a decision is made. Below are examples of two possible courses of action.

File and suspend
Generally, a husband or wife is entitled to receive the higher of his or her own Social Security retirement benefit (a worker's benefit) or as much as 50% of what his or her spouse is entitled to receive at full retirement age (a spousal benefit). But, according to Social Security rules, a husband or wife who is eligible to file for spousal benefits based on his or her spouse's record cannot do so until his or her spouse begins collecting retirement benefits. There is an exception--someone who has reached full retirement age but who does not want to begin collecting retirement benefits right away may choose to file an application for retirement benefits, then immediately request to have those benefits suspended, so that his or her eligible spouse can file for spousal benefits.

The file-and-suspend strategy is most commonly used when one spouse has much lower lifetime earnings, and thus will receive a higher retirement benefit based on his or her spouse's earnings record than on his or her own earnings record. Using this strategy can potentially boost retirement income in three ways: 1) the spouse with higher earnings who has suspended his or her benefits can accrue delayed retirement credits at a rate of 8% per year (the rate for anyone born in 1943 or later) up until age 70, thereby increasing his or her retirement benefit by as much as 32%; 2) the spouse with lower earnings can immediately claim a higher (spousal) benefit; and 3) any survivor's benefit available to the lower-earning spouse will also increase because a surviving spouse generally receives a benefit equal to 100% of the monthly retirement benefit the other spouse was receiving (or was entitled to receive) at the time of his or her death.

File for one benefit, then the other
Another strategy that can be used to increase household income for retirees is to have one spouse file for spousal benefits first, and then switch to his or her own higher retirement benefit later.

Once a spouse reaches full retirement age and is eligible for a spousal benefit based on his or her spouse's earnings record and a retirement benefit based on his or her own earnings record, he or she can choose to file a restricted application for spousal benefits, then delay applying for retirement benefits on his or her own earnings record (up until age 70) in order to earn delayed retirement credits. This may help to maximize survivor's income as well as retirement income, because the surviving spouse will be eligible for the greater of his or her own benefit or 100% of the spouse's benefit.

This strategy might be used when both spouses have substantial earnings but do not want to postpone applying for benefits altogether. Louis files for his Social Security retirement benefit of $2,400 per month at age 66 (based on his own earnings record), but his wife Sue wants to wait until age 70 to file. At age 66 (her full retirement age) Sue applies for spousal benefits based on Louis's earnings record (Louis has already filed for benefits) and receives 50% of Louis's benefit amount ($1,200 per month). She then delays applying for benefits based on her own earnings record ($2,100 per month at full retirement age) so that she can earn delayed retirement credits. At age 70, Sue switches from collecting a spousal benefit to her own larger worker's retirement benefit of $2,772 per month (32% higher than at age 66). This not only increases Louis and Sue household income but also enables Louis to receive a larger survivor's benefit in the event of Sue's death.

Every couple’s situation is unique and various scenarios should be considered before the decision to begin receiving Social Security benefits is made. Contacting the Social Security Administration during your decision process may be beneficial. The website is

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