Thursday, August 25, 2011

Get your systems ready for Hurricane Irene by Carolyn Flaherty

Fitting in one last ride on a major swell isn't how most of us gear up for a hurricane. However, that is exactly what a surfer on North Carolina's Outer Banks did on Aug. 24 before the anticipated arrival of Hurricane Irene, (picture by Reza Marvashti / AP).

For the rest of us, we may be filling propane tanks, buying batteries, candles, stocking up on some non-perishables and bringing in lawn furniture. However, if you are a business owner, you should also consider preparing your systems. We are a paperless organization, which simplifies our disaster recovery plan. However, we are still taking steps to backup our server and ensure employees have their lap tops and client data secure. We would like to take the time to remind our clients and the community at large to do the same.

For an up to date forecast and insights on Irene; visit MSNBC at the below link:

We are glad to tell our clients that their records are safe and wish everyone a safe weekend.

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